Associate professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Copenhagen – since 2000.
Affiliated with the University of Greenland – Ilisimatusarfik – since 2016.
Affiliated with Copenhagen Business School (PEØ) from 2018-2021.Emerita from the Institute of Political Science since 1.09.2017.
- 2019- employment as associate professor at the Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School.
- 2017- also associated professor at Ilisimatusarfik (the university of Greenland) until the end of 2021
- 2010- also affiliated with Ilisimatusarfik (the university of Greenland)
- 2000- Associate professor in Sociology and Social Science Methodology at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
- 1998-00 Methodological consultant and programme evaluator with the Danish Police Force (the Danish Crime Prevention Council).
- 1995-98 Associate professor at The Danish School of Education
- 1992-95 Head of Office in the municipality of Roskilde. Area of responsibility: all paedagogical institutions for children and young people.
- 1985-92 Research assistant at the Danish National Centre for Social Research.
- 1980-85 Social welfare research consultant in the municipality of Copenhagen. During this employment one obligation was to carry out research about children. The research project was institutionalised under the institute of Governmental Research.
- 1978-80 Teacher at a Teachers’ training college.
- 1973-78 Head of project and project coordinator for the ministry of Education (area: science of science). Also Research coordinator in a special Drug department that was institutionalised in the Ministry of Health (area: drug use and abuse).
- 1971-73 Secretary in the Ministry of Social Affairs (area: education).
- Konference maj 2019: Melbourne, Australien. ClearHorizon: People Centered Program Logic.
- 2018. Research Methods Festival in Bath England. Theme: Methodological Innovation and Analysis.
- 2018. Teacher in classical pilates – basic and Intermediate level, on Reformer, Cadillac, High Chair, Wunda Chair, ect.
- 2017. American Evaluation Association, Washington DC November, Topic: Education in Greenland
- 2016. Five Level QDA, with Dr. Christina Silver, Dorset, UK
- 2014. The Evaluators’ Institute, Washington DC, January 2014 Participation in the following courses:
- Qualitative Evaluation Strategies
- Developmental Evaluation: Systems and Complexity
- 2013. University of Surrey,
- MAXQDA training workshop
- NVivo workshop/with Dr. Christina Silver
- Analysis with NVivo, MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti with Dr. Christina Silver
- 2010. The Evaluators’ Institute, San Francisco, January
- 2010. Participation in the following courses:
- Qualitative Evaluation Methods
- How to build a Successful Evaluation Consulting Practice
- Alternative Evaluation Designs: Implications from Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory
- 2009. The Evaluators’ Institute, Washington DC, July
- 2009. Participation in the following courses:
- Using Non-experimental Designs for Impact Evaluation
- Alternative Evaluation Designs: Implications from Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory
- 2008. Visiting scholar på Berkeley University, California
- 1994. Degree in personal and organizational leadership, Denmark
- 1985. Trainer in the Lotte Berk exercise system/UK
- 1980. Doctor in Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1971. Magister in sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1965. Research Fee Student at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), England
- 1964. Sociology studies at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark